4-H Eco April: Build a Birdfeeder

Monday, April 19, 2021 (All day)

4/19/21          Maker Monday – by Kelly Royalty

Activity:  Upcycled perch bird feeder/ Backyard Bird Observation Worksheet   

Additional Social Media Post:

SPRING INTO SCIENCE – ECO APRIL - EARTH TAKE ACTION TIP:  Upcycling is to reuse discarded objects or materials to create a product of higher quality or value than the original item. Use 2-liter bottles, milk jugs/cartons, peanut butter jars and other items found around your house to build a bird feeder, instead of buying one.  This will prevent plastics, from going to our landfills.

You can find the complete Build a Birdfeeder lesson plan and blog post on the Ohio 4-H STEM Blog at https://u.osu.edu/ohio4hstem/