FAMACHA and Fecal Egg Count Workshop

Friday, June 28, 2019 - 9:00am
Eastern Agricultural Research Station, Belle Valley, Ohio
Contact email:
Contact name:
Christine Gelley
Contact phone:

Sheep and Goat Producers:  FAMACHA© and a Fecal Egg Count Workshop

Noble County OSU Extension will be hosting a FAMACHA© and a Fecal Egg Count Workshop at the Eastern Agricultural Research Station in Belle Valley, Ohio on Friday, June 28th. The flyer found here.

The classes will be taught by Clif Little of Guernsey County OSU Extension and Tim McDermott of Franklin County OSU Extension with assistance from OSU Sheep Team Coordinator- Brady Campbell and Christine Gelley.  This event is open to all producers, but space is limited and Noble County residents will be granted priority enrollment in the classes. All interested parties need to call Noble County OSU Extension ASAP to RSVP. The absolute deadline to sign-up in June 13th. The final class roster will be determined on June 14th based on county of residence and date of sign-up. Everyone will receive a confirmation call for enrollment and those accepted will need to send their registration payment in by June 21st.