Miami County Best Practices for 4-H Club Financials

Monday, October 23, 2017 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
OSU Extension Meeting Room
Contact email:
Contact name:
Demetria Woods
Contact phone:

Join us for Best Practices for Club Financials. This training is required for all Club Organizational Advisors. It is highly recommended for 4-H members serving as Club Treasurer and 4-H Committee Treasurers. If the Organizational Advisor is unable to attend, another Club Advisor may attend on their behalf.

Miami County Volunteers are dependable and trustworthy. However, today’s world calls for doing our best to protect each other. This means having the information and tools to know the best way to document club finances. Todays’ committees, clubs, non-profits and community groups’ finances are expected to pass auditors’ reviews. Best Practices will walk you through what is needed to successfully pass your club financial review.

Each attending club will receive a Financial Management packet and the opportunity to ask questions on specific situations.

Pre-registration is required – space is limited. (Note: minimum attendance of 5 is required or session will be cancelled.)


Please RSVP no later than October 20, 4 p.m. To register – please us the following link: