The 2018 Miami County State Fair Qualifying Show will be held Saturday, June 9th, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Also, 2018 will be a one judge show in Miami County.
Any 4-H member enrolled in a horse project is eligible to participate in the Qualifying Show.
Download a copy of the entry form here. Entries are due in the Extension Office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 18th. Absolutely no late entries will be accepted. No entries will be accepted at the show. No exceptions. There are no entry fees.
For more information about the rules, patterns, tests, and scores, please refer to the Performance Against Standards rules found at These patterns are the only patterns to be used for PAS classes in 2018.
If you are showing small equine – you must designate this when you designate your horse on the entry form. Also, be sure to check the Uniform Rules book for Ranch Pleasure versus Western Pleasure for eligibility for single animal AND for Ranch Riding versus Western Pleasure for eligibility for a single animal.
If you have any questions regarding the 2018 Qualifying Show or the entry procedure, please contact the Extension Office.