Coffee with the Master Gardeners is a horticulture series that began in 2016 and takes place on the first Friday of each month. Each month features a different topic, hands-on activities, great information and, of course, coffee. Sessions are open to the public and seating is limited. Please contact to register and for more information.
Past Workshops
2022 Sessions
- January - No Session
February- Cancelled
March - Floral Photography
April -
Fairy Garden Workshop - Register hereRescheduled for June -
May - Spring Planter Workshop
- June - Fairy Garden Workshop
- July - No session due to holiday
August - No session
- September - No session
- October - Carnivorous Plants
- November -
- December -
2021 Sessions
- January - No Session
- February - The Language of Flowers
March - Tools of the Trade
April - Creating a Water Garden
- May - Native Bees and You!
- June - Eco-Friendly Vegetable Gardening
- July - No session due to holiday
August - Ohio Gardens
- September - Pawpaws of Ohio
- October - Ohio Mushrooms
- November - Orchids
- December - Make and Take